A Notebook Full of Words
the random scribbles of a developing writer

Day 3 Totals

Time: 1:08 pm
Location: School Library
Wordcount: 13, 048  words, and counting!

Time: 5:10 pm
Location: Study, at Home.
Wordcount: 15, 515 words, and hopefully still counting! (I’ll try and write some more later!)

An excerpt to whet your appetite:

Prologue – Ten Years Earlier

            She couldn’t hear me. I screamed again, calling her name over and over again, though the hopelessness that threatened to overwhelm me was breaking my voice, giving it a hoarse croak. But she was impervious. I was too far away.

            That was what really got to me, in the end. I’d been so close, but I hadn’t managed to save her. Was it my own fault, then, what happened next? Could I have changed everything, if only she’d been able to hear me?

            Perhaps if I had run towards her – perhaps if I’d been closer – she would have turned at the sound of my voice and looked me in the face, knowing that what I had told her was true. She would have turned back, and we wouldn’t have ended up in that mess. Perhaps, if I’d made more effort, everything would have been okay.

            But by thinking that, I was lying to myself. She could’ve heard me if she wanted to. The fact was that she was forcing herself to ignore my desperate pleas, and pretend that I didn’t exist. It wasn’t really my fault, because there was nothing I could do. Nothing I could have done that would’ve changed what happened next.

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